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Eric Paulos


Eric Paulos is the founder and director of the Hybrid Ecologies Lab, a Professor in Electrical Engineering Computer Science Department at UC Berkeley, Director of the CITRIS Invention Lab, Chief Learning Officer for the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation, a Co-Director of the Swarm Lab, and faculty within the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM). Previously, Eric held the Cooper-Siegel Associate Professor Chair in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University where he was faculty within the Human-Computer Interaction Institute with courtesy faculty appointments in the Robotics Institute and in the Entertainment Technology Center. Prior to CMU, Eric was Senior Research Scientist at Intel Research in Berkeley, California where he founded the Urban Atmospheres research group. His areas of expertise span a deep body of research territory in urban computing, sustainability, green design, environmental awareness, social telepresence, robotics, physical computing, interaction design, persuasive technologies, and intimate media. Eric received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley. Eric is also the founder and director of the Experimental Interaction Unit and a frequent collaborator with Mark Pauline of Survival Research Laboratories.




Katherine W. Song, Szu Ting Tung, Alexis Kim, and Eric Paulos

CHI 2024


Katherine W. Song, Fiona Bell, Himani Deshpande, Ilan Mandel, Tiffany Wun, Mirela Alistar, Leah Buechley, Wendy Ju, Jeeeun Kim, Eric Paulos, Samar Sabie, and Ron Wakkary

CHI EA 2024


Katherine W. Song and Eric Paulos

CHI 2023


Sarah Sterman, Molly Jane Nicholas, Janaki Vivrekar, Jessica Mindel, and Eric Paulos

CHI 2023

🏆 Best Paper


Katherine W. Song*, Christine Dierk*, Szu Ting Tung, and Eric Paulos

CHI 2023


Sarah Sterman, Molly Jane Nicholas, and Eric Paulos

CSCW 2022


Molly Jane Nicholas, Sarah Sterman, and Eric Paulos

C&C 2022

🏆 Best Paper


Samar Sabie, Katherine W. Song, Tapan Parikh, Steven Jackson, Eric Paulos, Kristina Lindstrom, Åsa Ståhl, Dina Sabie, Kristina Andersen, Ron Wakkary

CHI EA 2022


Katherine W Song, Aditi Maheshwari, Eric M Gallo, Andreea Danielescu, Eric Paulos

CHI 2022

🎖️ Honorable Mention

H•E•L © UC Berkeley 2009-2022

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